Performance Frameworks
Engage. Educate. Execute.
You will do things a little differently with us.
We Engage with People. We have fun.
We Educate and co-create new solutions.
We guide Execution - Application Guides and Projects.
We provide free on-line support - every Friday.
Engage - Have Fun
The first, crucial step is to Engage your people in a journey of improvement.
Our programs are fun, capture attention and engage people in a learning journey. We use simulations, games, activities - no ‘Death by PowerPoint.’
Twice the learning in half the time - no boring PowerPoint, no lectures. Your people learn by doing.
“What we learn with pleasure we never forget.”
- Alfred Mercer
Learning, not training
“If the learner hasn’t learnt, the teacher hasn’t taught.”
Your people cannot solve their problems with the same thinking that created the problem. They cannot dramatically improve their current performance by doing more of what they already do. Even worse, the hoary chestnut of ‘Work Smarter, Not Harder’ is a nonsense. Your people are already smart - otherwise you wouldn’t be doing as well as you are doing now. To make the next step change in performance - Kaikaku - will require some different thinking.
At Performance Frameworks, our goal is to help you THINK different, THINK new, see problems from a new perspective, and find new solutions.
“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I may remember. Involve me and I learn.” - Benjamin Franklin
Execute - Projects
Implement Change Projects with our Workshops, Visual Projects, Application Guides, all rolled into an Implementation Program.
We transfer knowledge and skills gained from Workshops into real action, real improvement projects. We provide our Visual Project Methodology, we provide ‘Application Guides’ to implement back on the job. We provide ongoing support for your Project Teams with our ‘Free Friday’ online support. For as long as you need. Call Glen to book free online support any Friday.